Latitude and Longitude to UTM Converter

Lat Long to UTM

To get a UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) from the latitude, longitude coordinates, please enter the Lat Long values and press Convert button, or click on a location on the map, UTM Easting, UTM Northing and UTM Zone will shown below. You can get your current lat long and UTM by click on "Show me where I am, yo!"

Latitude range is from +90 degrees at the North Pole to -90 degrees at the South Pole and longitude range is from +180 degrees eastward to -180 degrees westward.


Show me where I am, yo!

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)

The Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) is a global map projection system used for specifying locations on the Earth's surface. It divides the Earth into a series of zones, each with its own unique coordinate system. UTM coordinates consist of the following components:

UTM Zone

UTM divides the Earth into a series of zones, each of which is six degrees of longitude wide. These zones are numbered consecutively from west to east, starting at -180 degrees longitude. For example, UTM Zone 33 covers the region between 6 degrees east and 12 degrees east longitude. To specify a location in UTM coordinates, you need to know the appropriate UTM zone for the area of interest.

UTM Easting

UTM Easting is the horizontal component of UTM coordinates and represents the distance eastward from the central meridian of the UTM zone. It is typically expressed in meters and ranges from 0 meters at the central meridian to 500,000 meters (or 500 kilometers) to the west and 500,000 meters to the east of the central meridian. Easting values increase as you move eastward from the central meridian.

UTM Northing

UTM Northing is the vertical component of UTM coordinates and represents the distance northward from the equator. It is also expressed in meters and can range from 0 meters at the equator to approximately 10,000,000 meters (or 10,000 kilometers) at the North Pole and 10,000,000 meters at the South Pole. Northing values increase as you move northward from the equator.

Together, UTM Easting and UTM Northing provide a precise two-dimensional representation of a location within a specific UTM zone. By specifying the UTM zone and providing the Easting and Northing values, you can accurately pinpoint a location on a map or navigate using UTM coordinates. UTM is widely used for mapping, surveying, and military applications, as it offers a convenient way to represent locations on a flat map while minimizing distortions within each UTM zone.