Latitude and Longitude to DMS Converter

Lat Long to DMS

To get a DMS (Degrees Minutes Seconds) from the latitude, longitude coordinates, please enter the Lat Long values and press Convert button, or click on a location on the map. You can get your current lat long and DMS by click on "Show me where I am, yo!"

Latitude range is from +90 degrees at the North Pole to -90 degrees at the South Pole and longitude range is from +180 degrees eastward to -180 degrees westward.


N: North, E: East, W: West, S: South

Show me where I am, yo!

DMS - Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds

DMS stands for "Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds" and it is a common format used to express geographical coordinates for specifying locations on the Earth's surface. In the DMS format, a location's coordinates are represented as a combination of three components:

• Degrees (°): Degrees are the largest unit of measurement in this format and represent the whole number of degrees of latitude or longitude. They range from 0° to 90° for latitude (North or South of the equator) and from 0° to 180° for longitude (East or West of the Prime Meridian).

• Minutes ('): Minutes are the next smaller unit of measurement and represent a fraction of a degree. There are 60 minutes in one degree. Minutes are used to provide greater precision when specifying a location. They range from 0' to 59'.

• Seconds ("): Seconds are the smallest unit of measurement and represent an even finer division of a degree. There are 60 seconds in one minute. Seconds are used for very precise coordinates. They range from 0" to 59.99" (typically rounded to two decimal places).

For example, the coordinates for a specific location in DMS format might look like this:

• Latitude: 40° 42' 51" N (40 degrees, 42 minutes, 51 seconds North of the equator)

• Longitude: 74° 0' 21" W (74 degrees, 0 minutes, 21 seconds West of the Prime Meridian)

DMS coordinates are commonly used in various applications, including navigation, cartography, and geographic information systems (GIS), where precise location information is required. They provide a way to express coordinates with varying levels of accuracy, from general to highly specific.